Step 1

Upload your text

Celebrate a successful month of literary abandon with a unique, custom-made pillow featuring the words of your story. Yes, you can proudly display your novel in your living room. Litographs will donate $11 per pillow to NaNoWriMo, and we offer free shipping within the United States. Upload a .doc, .docx, or .txt file of your manuscript to get started.

We're here to make sure that your custom pillow is perfect. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us! We'll get back to you very quickly.

Formatting Instructions

  • Any text present in your file will be printed on your pillow. If you would like to avoid printing a table of contents or other metadata, please edit your file before uploading.
  • We will remove all paragraph breaks before printing, so there is no need to do so yourself.
  • We can print approximately 20,000 words on each pillow, but there is no word limit to the text you can upload. If your text is too short, we will repeat it until it fills the entire pillow. If it is too long, we will print as much as we can fit.
  • Formatting such as underlines and bold or italic characters will be removed before printing. Please remove all hyperlinks before submitting.
  • We can only support standard Latin characters. Letters in other alphabets (e.g. Greek letters) or other unsupported characters may result in unwanted symbols or may be removed altogether.

Step 2

Customize your Pillow

NaNoWriMo Custom Pillow

NaNoWriMo Custom Pillow


Expected Shipping

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